Boy wants his Father

I am a single mum of a boy who is in his teens(14) years. I had an affair for a short period and it was a one night stand then boom, pregnancy.
The man disappeared and appeared when I was 6 months pregnant then disappeared again and I just got in contact with him after the first lock down, we linked up through my sister who had his contact and he got to see his son and promised to take care of him which he has been doing.
But now the problem is ever since he saw him he has never come back to bond with him. Now my son is on my neck that he wants to go and stay with his dad since he is in his P7 vacation but the father is insisting that he’s married and doesn’t want.
What should I do ?
I am battling cancer and I haven’t told my son about it.
Any one who can help me to talk to the father to understand. please advise
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