I Put Witchcraft in Chapatis

Witchcraft is actually fake if I am to say.

I had a chapati stall in makerere Kikoni, so one day I came it was a Sunday and my neighbor was selling at a high speed ,sold few chapatis on that day and something came into my mind to try witch craft because I was told my neighbor uses witchcraft too,

went to lugazi where they told me ,the guy told me to do many things ,putting two eggs under my bed and two under my chapati stall,

we actually did mob staff and he told me if I was a lady I would use menstrual blood but since I am a man I am to use my hairs from the private parts then mix in some early morning Urine into the wheat and the beans ,

felt like it is too much but I had to do shit ,so I did everything and to me the customers were normal

I didn’t see any change but in the evening like 3 pm KCCA came in and they only took me and destroyed my staff.

When to the prison but only thinking of the stupid staff I did for making money then look where I was. Paid the guys 300k and let me out.

Whenever I remember mixing urine and staff in the beans and the wheat mpulira nga omutima teguterede. I am saying this just to let it out of my heart because it has been haunting me for so long .

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